Kristie Shoemaker is a 22 year old self-described rotten little peach currently living in Brooklyn, New York. She hopes to one day transcend her corporeal form and live out the rest of eternity as a celestial orb dancing among the rings of Saturn.
22 year old shit baby who will probably write a poem about you
kristie shoemaker is a twenty two year old writer living in brooklyn who likes small things and making up stories about strangers, you can read more of her writing at or
Kristie Shoemaker is a twenty-two-year-old writer who lives in Brooklyn and doesn’t understand the subway system. You can find more of her writing at and
Kristie Shoemaker lives in Brooklyn. Her work has been published in Metazen, Affectionate, and Human Parts. She can also be found on Tumblr and Twitter.
Kristie Shoemaker is a little peach based out of New York. You can follow her at @1ittlepeach
kristie shoemaker called us from Baltimore, MD.
Kristie Shoemaker is a twenty-two year old student from baltimore trying not to write about sad things but thinks that’s what comes out natural. she likes the idea of hiding, but you can find her on the internet avoiding ‘real life’ at
kristie shoemaker is a twenty-three year old writer from brooklyn who likes small things and pretend situations with strangers. she has been published in such places as metazen, gesture, voicemail poems, and most importantly your heart. you can watch her in the middle of a breakdown at or
kristie shoemaker is a twenty four year old writer living in baltimore, maryland. she tries to pretend she is emotionally mature but is failing. her work has been published in such places as gesture, fruita pulp, voicemail poems and most importantly, your heart. you can read more of her writing at or
kristie shoemaker is a twenty-five year old writer from Baltimore, Maryland. she will look up your birth chart within minutes of knowing you and will overshare things better left unsaid. she has had work published in various places, such as Gesture Mag, Moloko House, Fruita Pulp, Voicemail Poems and, most importantly, your heart. you can read more of her ramblings and words @1ittlepeach
kristie shoemaker is a twenty-five year old scorpio who thinks plants are cool. she just released her first poetry pamphlet plants will make her dance (varsity goth press, 2017) and has been published in various lit mags including voicemail poems, weu wei fashion mag, fruita pulp, and more. her first full length collection do graves get wifi will be released halloween (ghost city press, 2017) and you can read her ongoing breakdown @1ittlepeach
kristie shoemaker is a twenty-five year old scorpio who spends the majority of her time pretending to be emotionally mature. she is the author of the poetry pamphlet plants will make her dance (Varsity Goth Press, 2017) and you can read her ongoing mental breakdown @1ittlepeach
Kristie Shoemaker is a twenty-six year old from Baltimore, Maryland. She once told a stranger who asked what she did for a living that she was ‘trying to become the 2018 version of Sylvia Plath’ and then immediately ran away. She’s had work published in various online lit mags such as Voicemail Poems, Fruita Pulp, Gesture, Electric Cereal, Show Your Skin, Be About It, and more. She also had her first poetry pamphlet plants will make her dance published via Varsity Goth Press, and her first full length collection DO GRAVES GET WIFI published via Ghost City Press. You can follow her ongoing mental breakdown on Twitter @samweird_
kristie shoemaker is a twenty six year old scorpio who likes plants more than people. her first full length collection DO GRAVES GET WIFI (ghost city press) was published haloween 2017, and you can read more of her thoughts and breakdowns on twitter @samweird_
Kristie Shoemaker is a twenty-seven-year-old Scorpio. Her work has been published in various literary mags online and in print, along with her first full-length collection, DO GRAVES GET WIFI (Ghost City Press, 2017). You can find her online having a breakdown @samweird_
Kristie Nicole Shoemaker, 27, of Hanover, passed away at her home on July 7, 2019. She graduated from Old Mill High School in 2009. Kristie enjoyed writing poetry and loved being on social media.